Cliff Notes on Success, part 2 of 2

In the first part of this article, I summed up the cliff notes of success with the following seven steps to create success in your life.:

1. Focus on the positive
2. Take action
3. Write out your road map
4. Be flexible
5. Seeing is believing
6. Don’t be afraid to take chances
7. Never stop learning

We left off before number 4 …

Be Flexible

I’m a big planner. I like to write out my lists and know exactly what is on my schedule, I don’t like surprises much but I have learned that life does happen when you’re busy making plans. Whenever you feel like things are spinning out of control, try implementing these steps to help you smoothly move through this difficult period.

Enjoy the change — The only way you will move forward is through change.

Look for the silver lining — When things are falling apart around you, sometimes being forced to start over has an upside and a valuable lesson.

Weigh out all of your options — Maybe this is a great time to try a different approach or reconsider the path you’ve chosen?

Enjoy the ride — Being focused on the end goal tends to give us tunnel vision. Don’t lose out on the journey that got you there.

Emotionally detach — Isn’t it amazing how you can dispel calm and clear advice to a friend when you are not emotionally involved or vested? Try doing this with your own situation. You can make a clear decision rather than a rash one.

Seeing is believing

Have you ever created a vision board? I was asked to do this several years ago and had to hold back laughter at the thought of taking time out of my already busy day to cut out pictures of what I want my life to become, after all, wasn’t that why I was working so hard?? Long story short, I was humbled by the effectiveness of the experience and I had a fantastic time doing it.

Dr. Daniel Amen, clinical neuroscientist, author, and New York Times bestseller opened up my eyes (and brain) with this simple explanation: “Thoughts are real, they have an impact on how you think and ultimately how you behave.”

This is why meditation, visualization and positive thinking are so important; they are how your brain sees things. And, therefore, it believes exactly what it sees, no matter if is real or perceived. This is where the vision board comes in, and this is where the fun begins. By cutting out pictures of all the things you want to achieve in your life, how you want your life to look, and even places you may want to go — putting them on a board and looking at this every day, is nourishment for your brain. You are reprogramming your brain to already believe that this is not just possible, but it is and will be a foregone conclusion.

I urge you to try this simple yet effective exercise. If nothing else you will begin to narrow down what you truly want for your life and if that’s the worst thing this exercise can bring — what are you waiting for??

Don’t be afraid to take chances

I’m not one to play with chances … I even stay away from the casino when I travel to Vegas because I never want to take the chance of losing my hard-earned money. This may sound logical to most people but keeping that as a hard fast rule could keep you in the same position you’ve always been in, wanting more but acclimating to less.

Author, D.A. Benton of the top selling book, “CEO Material,” says, “If you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.”

Take a look back on your life and make a note of all the major promotions, social situations, and life changing opportunities that have crossed your path. I’m willing to guess that of those opportunities and promotions you had to push yourself in some way to get what you wanted. You had to let it be known that you were open to the opportunity and the experience. With a strained economy and stressed out people you don’t have the option of playing it safe or waiting it out. This is the time for you to make an action plan and go for it.

Never stop learning

A friend of mine told me that life was just one big lesson and our sole purpose was to learn as much as we can and teach others from our findings. It was such simple advice and yet I continue to wonder why we all don’t embrace that theory. Our brain needs new knowledge constantly, much like a plant needs water. Learning is not just brain food but it’s imperative to anyone who wants to continue to live a healthy, vibrant engaged life!

When you keep your mind open to possibilities and you acknowledge that you don’t know everything about everything, you are on your way to achieving you goals. No matter if you are a doctor, parent, engineer or student, asking questions and keeping your mind open to new methods will make you better at what you do, keep you current with your field, and most importantly; it will stimulate you to create and innovate.

“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.” Anthony J. D’Angelo, The College Blue Book
Alisa Weinstein is a certified coach, business executive, and entrepreneur. As owner of Coaching Element, she supports other entrepreneurs to create businesses starting with focus, vision and action. She serves clients through individual and group coaching, seminars and public speaking. For more information, please visit